Inside Perspective

Hi, I'm Annie Katz. I'm a 14 year old who really enjoys athletics. After a brutal hamstring tear, I was cleared to rejoin my ice hockey team but I ended up retearing the injury. What bothered me the most was the prevailing medical belief that if you don't feel pain, you're considered okay, even for grade 1 and 2 tears. I discovered that I was not alone in this issue and many athletes suffered the same fate as me, even at the professional level.  

When I found out about the 3M challenge, I realized this was my chance to do something about this critical healthcare issue. Here was a company with a large platform that could help me make a difference in the lives of anyone who enjoys sports, from recreational players to competitive athletes.

I decided to create a prototype for an at-home ultrasound that could be used even by a kid to see what was going on inside of them. Because I can't expect my peers to learn how to read a sonogram, it made sense to apply AI technology to categorize the images. I'm starting with a program that can identify the four hamstring muscles, whether they are healthy or torn, and then some more information on the severity of the tear. While one always needs to consult a doctor, you can come to them armed with a lot more information when you have images. You also can make sure you are truly healed before you head back onto the ice. Submitting my entry made me so happy, knowing that I had a functional prototype to support my concept.

When I got the call that I was a top 10 finalist, I was speechless. My family has always been incredibly supportive and proud of my efforts. This is going to be an incredible summer and I hope you follow me on my journey as I improve upon my prototype! 


This is a link to my YouTube channel, follow me as I add more videos!