My Journey to the 3M Young Scientists Challenge!

Hi everyone! I’m honored to be a 2023 Young Scientist! This is going to be the best summer ever! So far, I’ve already met my mentor and written a page in my Scientist Notebook about mosquitos and computer charger wars with my sister (trust me, those get HEATED).

I’m so excited to meet my other fellow mentors and make something cool! But first…who am I? You all know my name and age, but that’s boring. Here are some facts so you can actually get to know me! My favorite color is pink and my favorite TV show is Gilmore Girls! I love listening to music (40,000 hours on Spotify in 2022 alone) and some of my favorite musicians are Faye Webster, Mac DeMarco, Lana Del Rey, and Clairo. Now that you know more about who I am, here’s how I entered the 3M Young Scientist Challenge.

After hearing about the 3M Young Scientist Challenge from my friend, I knew I was going to enter! I was inspired by last year’s finalists and their amazing innovations.

The journey it took to develop and come up with my innovation (the Spring Epilepsy Detection Glove) helped me learn a lot. Not only did I learn more than 70 Youtube video’s worth of electrical engineering, I was able to research a disorder, epilepsy, that affects everyday lives. 

After clicking the ‘submit’ button on my 3M Young Scientists Challenge submission, I was relieved to have finished the project on time and excited for what was to come! 

After being told the good news on June 9th, my family and I were thrilled! I still can’t believe it, and I can’t wait for the final event in October!

See you next time!
- Sarah W. 💗