My Journey to the 3MYSC

Why the 3M Young Scientist Challenge?

Many things inspired me to participate in the 3M Young Scientist Challenge. Firstly, I have always been passionate about many fields of STEM, especially physics and programming. Another reason is the amount of opportunities the challenge provides for the finalists to publicize their work and improve their designs.


What was filming the entry video like for you?

I have filmed and edited many youtube videos in the past, so the filming process wasn’t entirely known to me. However, it was a challenge to perfect the script to retain a ton of information and stay concise within a two minute video.


Any advice to next year’s participants?

Your scripting and presentation skills are extremely important in the filmmaking process. Stay natural and concise. All you need is a smartphone to film and a computer to edit.


What was your reaction to being selected as a finalist?

It was a huge relief to me to hear that I had been selected as a finalist. I felt very confident with my design and its uses in the real world and felt thrilled to hear the good news.

Overall, my summer mentorship has been going great and I already have a ton of new ideas to improve my innovation. My journey as a finalist in the 3M Young Scientist Challenge is only just beginning and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me.